Is tooth whitening safe?

Is tooth whitening safe?

tooth whitening San AntonioOf the many cosmetic dental procedures available today, tooth whitening ranks as one of the highest due to its availability, cost, time to complete and incredible results.  Tooth whitening in San Antonio is safe and effective and provides a transition from a drab and dull smile to a brighter and whiter smile in a very brief period of time.

There are many products available today that promise to whiten your teeth.  From toothpastes to gels to strips, products that you may purchase from your drug store are very safe, and you will have a variety of success based on your desired level of whitening and your commitment to using the product.  However, many of these products lack the ingredient needed to provide the significant whitening you can achieve by visiting your cosmetic dentist.

That ingredient is carbamide peroxide.  Carbamide peroxide is basically hydrogen peroxide and urea.  Urea acts as a binding agent to work with hydrogen peroxide.  Hydrogen peroxide on its own will quickly deteriorate so urea is there to extend hydrogen peroxide’s lifespan.  Although there are some over the counter products that contain carbamide peroxide, the prescription strength made available at your dentist office will bring you the best result in the shortest amount of time.

The professionally applied tooth whitening products use hydrogen peroxide in concentrations higher than those products available over the counter.  Used in conjunction with a light or laser, the whitening process is accelerated.  To make this procedure safe, your dental provider isolates gum tissue with a protective gel or rubber dam.

The most common possible side effect to the professional strength of hydrogen or carbamide peroxide is tooth sensitivity or the possible irritation of the soft tissues in the mouth, particularly the gums.  Both of these conditions usually are temporary and stop after the treatment.

All whitening products should carry the ADA Seal of Acceptance, a license or a certification from a well-known dental association.  If a whitening product you are preparing to use does not carry any of these, the safety of the product should be questioned.  These endorsements ensure that the product you are about to use is safe, just so long as you follow all usage instructions exactly. To schedule your tooth whitening procedure, call 210-616-0858 today!